Click any of the images below, or scan the QR code with your phones camera to register for these opportunities!

New to 11-a-side hockey?

Check out the Introduction to Umpiring Course online:

You will need to sign up as a Bracken user for our online course:

Upcoming Events- 2024

for more information please 

Register to Umpire in 2025:

Register here

Anyone wanting to umpire any level - please register so we can provide you the most suitable support for your level this year 

Pre season Umpire Workshops All Workshop dates to be confirmed

Umpires: Primary & Intermediate Hockey

MiniSticks Umpire Workshop - 

time tbc | Tauranga Hockey Centre | register

KiwiSticks Umpire Workshop - 

time tbc| Tauranga Hockey Centre | register 

KwikSticks Umpire Workshop - 

time tbc| Tauranga Hockey Centre | register 

Umpires: Secondary Hockey (Championship Grade)

Blue Badge Umpire Workshop -

time tbc | Tauranga Hockey Centre | register 

Umpires: Club Hockey and SPL

Club Umpire Evening - 27 March 2024

6:30pm - 8pm | Adams Centre for High Performance | register here

Umpires - all levels - Active Umpire Sessions

Active umpire sessions

Thursdays in season 

Time to be confirmed

Umpire Coaches:

Umpire Coach Workshop - To Be Confirmed

Adams Centre for High Performance

Match Support / Technical Officials:

Match Support Workshop 

Orange Badge and Blue Badge Umpire Development Programmes

contacted via database and registrations 

Introduction to 6 aside (umpires of all ages and levels supporting KwikSticks Intermediate, Secondary Super6s)

Introduction to 11 aside (umpires of all ages and levels supporting Secondary Div 1&2 competition)