Kwick Sticks Intermediate (Y7/8)

Pre Season Information 2025

Team Registrations Due: Tuesday 8 April 2025

Player Registrations Due (PlayHQ): ​​​​​​​Wednesday 14 May

Team Lists Due: ​​​​​​​Wednesday 14 May

Season Dates 2025

Kwiksticks Intermediate (all divisions):

Friday 2 May - Friday 22 August

Coaches, Managers, & Umpires Night - TBC

​​​​​​​Games played: 

Friday 30 May (Kings Bday weekend) & Friday 27 June (last day of term 2) 

No games: 

Friday 21 June (Matariki), 4 & 11 July (July school holidays)

Key Information

Tauranga Hockey Fee Schedule 2025: Click here

Practice Time and Turf Requests Template 2025click here

Next Committee Meeting: TBC

2025 Competition Format: TBC

2024 Handbook:  Click here 2025 - TBC

Small Sticks Managers Resource: Click here - 2025 Coming soon

Umpires: ALL teams MUST supply their own umpire for the season. 

THA Intermediate Coordinator & duty teams: An Intermediate Coordinator will be based in the control room on Friday nights at the Hockey Centre and they will coordinate the night. Please refer to the handook for the duty requirements for teams playing at TGA Boys and Bethlehem College.

Scorecards: Scorecards can be collected from the THA control room or you can alternately to download a scorecard Click here

Results: Please ensure the results for your game are handed in, either by handing the scorecard into the control room if you are playing at the Hockey Centre, or by sending a clear photo of the scorecard to 021 707 671​​​​​​​

Health and Safety - Concussion Awareness Policy: Click here

All coaches and managers need to be familiar with the THA Health & Safety policies including the Concussion Awareness Policy abov e. These documents are available to view and download on our website Click here

​​​​​​​Location of games: The majority of games are played at our three turfs at Tauranga Hockey Centre, Mt Maunganui. It depends on team entries as to whether games are also played at Tauranga Boys' College or/and Bethlehem College satellite turfs. The draw clearly states which turf your game is on.

If games are played at BC and TGA Boys please ensure you keep to the times on the draw. Umpires need to manage this. If games get behind time, then warmups need to be shortened so time can be caught up and later games start at the correct time.

Team Lists & Player Registrations

​​​​​​​All players must register to their school through PlayHQ. On the team list/player registration due date, all registered players in PlayHQ must be allocated to a team. The team lists will then be downloaded from PlayHQ and will be the official team list of the season. Any adjustments to the team lists after this date must follow the handbook rules.

If there is a protest about a player who is not listed on your team list (therefore classified as being unregistered) this may result in your team forfeiting match points as per the handbook.

PlayHQ information click here

Cancellation Procedure

Game by Game, Turf by Turf

If there are major storms due then the Competition Administrator can decide to notify that the whole night of competition has been cancelled before the start of games.

Alternatively, and more likely, if the rain radar shows that the bad weather will come and go, then cancellations may be on a game by game, turf by turf basis with umpires and the competition coordinator deciding on the state of the turfs. ​​​​​​​

For notifications of any cancellations: Click here 

Turf Descriptions

Tauranga Hockey Centre Turfs:

Moana|Ocean   Tahatai|Coast    Whanga|Harbour 

The draws tell you which turf you play on and the turfs are divided into halves for games.  

Whanga Pavilion and Tahatai Pavilion are at the Pavilion End ie the turfs closest to our pavilion and entry gates. Moana Roadside is nearest to Kawaka Street.

Whanga SaltTahatai Salt and Moana Salt are the halves nearest to the large salt mountain to our south.

At Tauranga Boys' College, TGA Boys 15th Ave is closest to 15th Avenue and TGA Boys Schoolside is closest to the school.

At Bethlehem College, BC Driveway is the nearer end as you arrive at the turf and BC Paddock is the end further away from the entry.

Kiwck Sticks Intermediate Committee Minutes

​​​Chairperson 2025: Hamish Carr, Katikati College

Email: Cellphone: 021 024 04389

These meetings occur pre-mid-end of season online or in the THA Hockey Centre Pavilion.

The next meeting is: TBC

2024 Minutes

​​​​​​​11 November

2022 Minutes

28 February

13 June

27 September