Introductory hockey based around fundamental skills and small games with the emphasis on fun!
Fun Sticks is an amazing game based hockey development programme - ideal for our Year 1 & 2 kids! The Programme will run over 12 weeks over Term Two & Three OR you can register for 6 weeks in Term 2 or Term 3.
More information is below:
Children learn through fun exercise, hockey activities and finishes each week with some mini-games. The programme is very interactive and a place for all to come and learn.
A Typical Week's Programme:
All locations are open for any student, attending any school to join. In other words, you do not need to go to the hosting school to attend the Fun Sticks Programme. You can choose your preferred location when registering.
We would love to have parents or caregivers to support these programmes as we cannot do it alone! If you are interested, there is a tick box on the Registration Page.
You will need:
Your child will need appropriate running shoes and shin pads (need to be the length of your child's shin).
Tauranga Hockey will provide:
In the event that a Fun Sticks session is cancelled due to adverse weather, it will be up to the Fun Sticks location Coach/Coordinator if a catch-up session is held.
We will from time to time, take photos of our tamariki at the Fun Sticks locations, if you are not wanting your child to be used in any social media or other promotion material, please let us know.
Pillans Point | Mondays | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | May 12 |
Greenpark | Mondays | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | May 12 |
new location tbc | Mondays | tbc | May 12 |
Te Puke Primary | Wednesdays | 3.20pm - 4.20pm | May 14 |
Blake Park | Tuesdays | 3.30pm - 4.30pm | May 13 |
Selwyn Ridge | Wednesdays | 3.00pm - 4.00pm | May 14 |
Matapihi School | Wednesdays | 3.00pm - 4.00pm | May 14 |
Tahatai | Wednesdays | 2.40pm - 3.40pm | May 14 |
Omokoroa #1 | Wednesdays | 3.20pm - 4.20pm | May 14 |
Golden Sands | Thursdays | 3.00pm - 4.00pm | May 15 |
TMoP | Thursdays | 3.00pm - 4.00pm | May 15 |
Tauranga Boys College | Saturdays | 9.00am - 10.00am | May 17 |
More Information
For more information or questions please contact:
Ruth Tuiraviravi
(m) 027 229 2305
42 Kawaka Street (off Totara Street)
PO Box 4012
Mount Maunganui 3116
07 575 0074 or
Please see staff section for contact details